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Computer Security is basically the protection of information that is stored in computer and internet. Nowadays, people are not restricted to their surroundings. Most people socialize on Facebook, Twitter, or other similar applications, people also buy things and sell things from online shops. In order to ensure the identity of the person using all these services, people are usually asked to input information related to their identity. Some of the information we put online is not supposed or is not willing to be view by others, and some information relating to bank information or home address are so essential to the person that if the information is released, his or her property may be stolen by other. Computer Securities are studied to solve these type of problems so that net user can have a safe net environment where their rights of privacy cannot be violated.


There are several types of computer attacks that violate computer security. Here are some types of computer attacks.


1. Backdoors: Backdoor a system for algorithm. It is a method of bypassing authentication and security controls.


2. Denial-of-service attack: It is a attack method that block your access to internet by entering false password or adding firewall rules


3. Direct-access attacks: This type of attack comes from hardware (mobile devices). Virus or programs are originally attached to the mobile devices, when devices are connected to computers, they bypass the protection software by passing through another system operations.


4. Eavesdropping: This attack is used to listen to private conversations


5. Spoofing: This attack is the use to substitute a fake program or user to a real one.


6. Tampering: This attack can hide the other running programs on which user cannot find out the origins of the computer attack


7. Privilege escalation: Privilege escalation is a bug which result in unauthorized actions from the user.


8. Phishing: Phishing is a way in which people are directed to fake website (which is similar to the official website) so that information like passwords and IDs are collected from the user if they cannot identify if the website is the real one or not.


9. Social engineering and Trojans: It’s a way on which people are encouraged to close their security system so that important information is easily accessible. (For example, some software tells you that in order to install it, you need to close your firewall and protection software first)


Computer attacks are everywhere. It comes from mobile devices, untrusted document, or even a simple website. Hackers or even government with different motives try to get break the security protection. Does that mean we can do nothing to prevent such attack? The answer is no. We can further improve our computer security by using protection mechanism with more complicated algorithm, and we can use more closed net structure which unauthorized website can be blocked, and we can use designed programs that stop hiding programs or unauthorized accesses.

Computer Security

Questions to Ask:

Since computer security is related to algorithm and different encryptions, does that mean computer security is always breakable if people the way encryption works


How exactly mobile devices can break through the protection mechanism in a computer


How come one program can be faked by another? ( I met this problem before, where a similar software with exact the same function are attached to virus that steal personal information)

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